All About Candy Canadiana

Candy was born on July 1st (year unknown as Candy never discusses her age). She lives on 1967 Maple Street in Ottawa and works on Parliament Hill, where she maintains the gardens and can often be seen jumping out of the flowers and surprising politicians in an effort to make them smile.

Candy's hobbies are spreading joy, love, happiness, and respect for others around the world. She is also deeply interested in cultivating cultural awareness. In addition, Candy has her own production company called Canuck Produck!

Candy often throws parties; for example, "The Two Months Until Canada Day Party" which she held on May 1st on a cruise ship somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

She loves Canadian products and loves promoting them. She would especially love promoting them and getting paid for it. She's still waiting on that.

She loves Canadian ex-pats and has occasionally been an ex-pat herself. She tries to make her videos for not only those who live in Canada, but also for those Canadians that need a little taste of home. She has two favourite Canadian ex-pats: One is the amazing music producer, Mr. David Foster. ("He's so mapley!" Candy often says.) The other is Mr. Lorne Michaels. Candy loves Saturday Night Live and is also a big fan of Second City Toronto.

Candy loves music by Sarah Mclachlan, Joni Mitchell, Stompin Tom Connors, Gordon Lightfoot, Glass Tiger, Platinum Blonde and so many other great Canadians! BUT her most favourite Canadian singer is Amy Rivard. She is just so darn cool! Candy's favourite book is Hitching Rides with Buddha by Canadian Will Ferguson.

She loves all things red and white and is a a major consumer of Maple syrup.